Our vision is to create a self – evolving environment in which the learners are able to develop:
A set of spiritual and moral values – honesty and good judgement.
Lively and enquiring minds
A life long love for learning
Self – respect and a belief in their own abilities
An understanding of right and wrong, self – discipline and respect for the rights and needs of others and for the environment
To realize our vision, we at DAV Public School, Dwarka will
Create a respectful working environment for students and staff
Provide a personalized and student – centered approach to learning
Build a ‘Culture of Achievement’
Focus on continuous improvement and shared accountabilities.
Promote equality and social justice
Maintain attractive and welcoming grounds and facilities
Develop partnerships with our community – local , national, and global
Recognize and celebrate diversity
Encourage school and community health and well being
Develop love and respect for the environment in inculcating an ethos of sharing and caring.